American Business Conference

ABC supports American entrepreneurship and business

ABC guides policy to facilitate economic and financial prosperity for all Americans
ABC helps build consensus around key policy matters and supports solutions that work across the aisle
ABC remains strictly nonpartisan, eschewing association with any PAC or political financing effort

American Business Conference


American Business Conference members are founders and C-level executive leaders of high-growth companies spanning many industries, and with decades of business, governance and policy expertise. 


Policy-makers seek feedback and advice from our membership. ABC holds closed-door, off-the-record policy discussions and briefings with top leadership from both parties and all three branches of government to help guide them, and to better understand the current and near-term business climate. ABC helps establish business and trade policy that encourages a strong and healthy regulatory and policy environment for small and medium-sized American companies.

We Guide Policy.

The Problem.

In this fraught political time we believe that, as business leaders and entrepreneurs, we have a responsibility to contribute to policies that improve our country, its business climate, and our democracy.

Our Solution.

ABC has been met with over 500 legislators, policy-makers and influencers since 1981. We bring our entrepreneurial can-do attitude to regular discussions with speakers who truly set the American agenda.

American Business Conference (ABC), a nonprofit membership organization founded in 1981, seeks to promote responsible federal government economic policies & legislation that foster US economic growth & entrepreneurship.

Our members are leaders of high-growth companies who want to help our country thrive. We convene twice per year in Washington, DC, where we discuss central federal policy issues with high-level officials, including:

  • White House Staff
  • Members of Congress
  • Federal funded technology
  • Cabinet members
  • Regulators
  • Environment & Energy
  • Federal agency heads
  • National security officials
  • Members of the press

Since our founding over 40 years ago by Arthur Levitt, ABC has followed several key principles:

  • Restrict membership to a small number (under 50) of business leaders willing to engage with — and challenge — our esteemed speakers
  • Engage our speakers, who work at the highest levels of federal policy making; ask them tough questions
  • Ensure a strictly off-the-record and nonpartisan discussion
  • Candidly convey the interests, challenges and concerns of the American companies that are critical to our overall national success

Our two-day meetings in Washington, DC feature 7-9 speakers, and provide ample networking opportunities.

Federal policy makers value speaking to and hearing from our members, and our members enjoy insights and exposition generally only available to Washington insiders.

We welcome new members! If you’re interested, please contact John Endean for more information.

American Business Conference Inc. |  800 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 300, Washington DC 20006

“ American Business Conference is a nonpartisan, consensus business organization. American Business Conference’s mission is to represent growing American business. The organization is a product of influence – created from within our members’ collective ideas and experiences, both past and present.”

~ John Endean (President, The Amercan Business Conference)


Alfred P. West Jr.
Alfred P. West Jr.Founder, Executive Chair
Alfred P. West, Jr. is Chairman of the American Business Conference and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of SEI, the Oaks, Pennsylvania-based financial services company he founded in 1968.
SEI is a leading global provider of outsourced asset management, investment processing, and investment operations solutions that help corporations, financial institutions, financial advisors, and affluent families create and manage wealth.

Mr. West received his Bachelor of Science in aerospace engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, and a Master of Business Administration from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He is a member of the Wharton Board of Overseers and Chairman of the Board of the SEI Center for Advanced Studies in Management at Wharton.

In 2011, he was recognized by Strategic Insight, a business intelligence provider to the worldwide fund industry, as one of the 60 most influential “Visionaries of the Modern Era of the Mutual Fund Industry.” In 2002, Al was awarded the Raymond Rafferty Entrepreneurial Excellence Award.

John Endean
John EndeanPresident
John Endean is President of American Business Conference (ABC).

John is primarily responsible for working with ABC’s CEO members in forming the organization’s policy positions and communicating those positions to diverse audiences.

A graduate of Williams College, Mr. Endean holds advanced degrees in history and American Studies from Yale University where he served as an instructor in modern American political and economic history. Prior to joining ABC, he worked in the Washington office of CBS, Inc. As president of ABC, Mr. Endean has worked with leading members of Congress and White House staff on issues as diverse as corporate governance and the capital markets, international trade and investment policy, fundamental tax reform, litigation reform, saving incentives, accounting standards, and financial reporting. Mr. Endean is the author of a number of business and policy-related monographs on such topics as international competitiveness, international intellectual property protection, the distributional implications of fundamental tax reform, stock options accounting, the proxy process and director elections, and securities litigation reform.


Our Core Values

  • American Entrepreneurship & Enterprise Growth

  • Economic & Financial Prosperity For All

  •  Consensus, Nonpartisan, Conservative, American Enterprise Progressive