American Business Conference

Supporting American entrepreneurship and business
Helping facilitate American economic and financial prosperity
Building policy consensus across the aisle
Not affiliated with any PAC or political finance entity


American Business Conference members are founders and C-level executive leaders of high-growth companies spanning many industries, and with decades of business, governance and policy expertise. 


Policy-makers seek feedback and advice from our membership. ABC holds closed-door, off-the-record policy discussions and briefings with top leadership from both parties and all three branches of government to help guide them, and to better understand the current and near-term business climate. ABC helps establish business and trade policy that encourages a strong and healthy regulatory and policy environment for small and medium-sized American companies.


Entrepreneurial leaders of high-growth companies, and citizens with a strong interest in our country.

At its core, ABC’s mission is educational – we leverage our unique business perspectives to better understand how Washington works. This makes us more informed leaders positioned to advocate responsible economic policies.


We convene twice per year in Washington, DC, where we discuss federal policy topics of the day with a variety of high-level officials.




2-day meeting

The Willard Hotel Washington, DC.

Meetings start 3pm on day 1

Meetings end 12PM on day 2


40-50 attendees

Challenging questions encouraged

Discussion is interactive and respectful


7-9 subject matter speakers

60 minute interactive discussions

Dinner with featured speaker

Full meals provided, with opportunities to interact with ABC members


White House policy


Federal technology development


Environment & energy

Federal agency policy

National security

Political analysis


ABC Meetings provide opportunities to network with our members

Typically CEOs, founding entrepreneurs and emerging business leaders, including our guest speakers.


American Business Conference (ABC) is a nonprofit membership organization founded in 1981

ABC promotes responsible federal government economic policies

We advocate legislation that fosters US economic growth and entrepreneurship

“Our meetings are confidential and off-the-record, enabling an open exchange of ideas and perspectives.  This can provide speakers with thoughtful feedback, and ABC members with an understanding of complex policy issues and ways to impact change.”

Matt Lawlor, Founder & Fmr. CEO of Online Resources Corp.

Ancillary Benefits

Our meetings may be the cake, but the icing is our insights into what makes Washington tick. Confidential member reports and analysis are available to ABC members.

Corporate members also enjoy expanded membership benefits and  industry specific insights that conform to lobbying rules and ABC’s dedication to nonpartisanship.


ABC has a highly selective application process and modest membership fees.

We look for members who bring diverse perspectives, intellectual curiosity, respect for alternative viewpoints, business acumen, patriotism and passion.

Our Values

“Since its founding over 40 years ago by Arthur Levitt, ABC has a tradition of nonpartisan Washington leadership.  We value our independence and balance, especially the varied opinions of our members and speakers, which is why we do not to operate a political action committee.” 

                      Al West – Chair, American Business Conference

Founder & Fmr. CEO, SEI Investments Company